Donate now:

@OAGCfoundation    Please note what fund your donation is intended for (see list of funds below)

This page may be printed and mailed with your donation.

Donations to The OAGC Foundation can be mailed to:

The OAGC Foundation

Att: Carol Hosbrook-Cole

958 Kings Drive, Greenville, Ohio 45331

Your Name: ___________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________

City: _________________________________ State: _______ Zip: ______________

Phone: ________________________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________________________

Make your check payable to: The OAGC Foundation   

Check #: ______________  $ ___________________

Please note what fund you would like to support: 

o   Education Resource Fund - Provides a way to fund educational endeavors. Services provided through the use of these funds MUST be provided for free.

o   Foundation General Fund - Provides money to do the business of The Foundation.

o   Nature & Conservation Fund - To fund endeavors to support the environment and all its natural resources. Also to help with beautification projects.

o   Sarah's Kids Fund - Provides for school transportation to visit Wahkeena

o   Scholarships Fund - There are four named scholarships granted annually. The Naomi Shepard Incoming Freshman Scholarship. The Dottie Bates Memorial Upperclassman Scholarship. The Dr. Gary Anderson ATI Scholarship. The Doris Schuster Memorial Horticulture Scholarship.

o   Wahkeena Nature Preserve Fund - Supports the continued care and running of the preserve.

o   Wahkeena Wildlife Food Fund - Provides for feed for the wild and captive birds, snakes, etc. that make Wahkeena their home.

Thank you for your donation to The OAGC Foundation

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