Wayside Mt Gilead Garden Club

#938 - Region 7

Organized June 1958

Club Motto:  Growing, sowing, and sharing for better Wayside Gardening

Meetings:  Third Thursday Monthly at 6:00 pm (unless otherwise noted), Location varies

Officers 2024-2025:

President: Marcia Lawyer

Vice President: Charlotte Benedict

Secretary: Sue Quigley

Treasurer: Mary Fuller

Asst. Treasurer: Charlotte Benedict

Please contact Charlotte Benedict for further information


2024-2025 Monthly club programs

 Date/Time Program Location
October 17, 2024  3:00pmWreath MakingFairview Global Methodist Church
November 21, 2024Field TripPickwick Place, Bucyrus, Ohio
February 20, 2025 Hydrangea Types & Care Hospice of Morrow County - Mt. Gilead
March 20, 2025  Leaf Manipulation Hospice of Morrow County - Mt. Gilead
April 17, 2025 Beautiful Irises Home of Steve & Nancy
May 15, 2025 Hypertufas Jenny Fried's Farm
June 2, 2025  10:00 am Greenhouse Tours Meet at Trinity UMC Mt Gilead parking lot (bring sack lunch)
June 19, 2025 Succulents in Creative Shoes Jenny Fried's Farm
July 17, 2025 Morrow County Fair Planning Home of Marcia Lawyer
August 21, 2025 Surprise Program The Benedict Farm
September 18, 2025 Holiday Make & Take - Pumpkins Home of Marcia Lawyer

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