The Ohio Association of Garden Clubs’ State Department chairs head the eight departments. Department chairs are appointed by the president-elect with executive committee approval, for a two-year term. Department appointees are installed at convention of even-numbered years and assume office October 1 of the same. CURRENT DEPARTMENTS DESIGN STUDY DEPARTMENT – is responsible for keeping OAGC accredited judges and exhibitors up-to-date on current and new artistic floral designs; promoting Design Study workshops; promotes and conducts the Faye Collins Designer of the Year contest EXHIBITORS’ AND JUDGES’ SCHOOL DEPARTMENT – is responsible for promoting and coordinating OAGC Exhibitors’ and Judges’ Schools, and maintaining records for flower show student judges, active accredited flower show judges and flower show judge emeritus. FLOWER SHOWS DEPARTMENT – is responsible for writing the schedule of and staging the convention artistic flower show and promoting and conducting the Flower Show Book contests HORTICULTURE DEPARTMENT – is responsible for coordinating any plant sales and seed exchanges; responsible for writing the schedule and staging the convention horticulture flower show and staging of the OAGC Medalist Collection competition (at conventions held in odd numbered years) JUNIOR GARDENERS DEPARTMENT– is responsible for promoting junior garden club activities and projects; coordinates and stages the convention junior gardener contest winners and maintains junior garden club membership records MARKETING DEPARTMENT – is responsible for improving communications and growing the gardening community and reach of the OAGC. MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT – is responsible for maintaining the state membership database and for providing the database to the printer for The Associations mailing of OAGC official publication, The Garden Path NATURE AND CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT – is responsible for promoting and conducting the Beautification contests; promoting Nature and Conservation projects; promoting Nature Study Retreat; serves on the Wahkeena Nature Preserve Liaison Committee GENERAL DEPARTMENT CHAIR RESPONSIBILITIES |