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The Membership department works closely with the adult clubs and individuals to keep The Ohio Association of Garden Clubs’ membership database current. Individuals become members by joining a garden club affiliated with OAGC or by becoming an OAGC Individual Member. Club MembershipThe easiest way to join OAGC is through joining an affiliated OAGC garden club. If an established club cannot be found nearby, a new garden club can be established. Each new club is encouraged to have an active membership of at least ten members. The club should also be sponsored, if possible, by an OAGC garden club in good standing for one year. To begin the process to join OAGC, submit an application to the state secretary. Upon approval by the executive committee, the club shall be admitted to membership. individual MembershipOAGC welcomes anyone to be a Individual Member. Individual Members are often those who have an interest in gardening, but do not desire to belong to a club. They may also belong to non-OAGC clubs, belonged to OAGC clubs that have disbanded, or no longer live in Ohio but desire to remain connected to OAGC. Individual Members receive The Garden Path and invitation to regional and state events. They are not eligible to vote at annual meetings, or be an elected officer. To become a Individual Member, complete the Individual Member Application Form (found on the Join OAGC page) and submit with dues payment (currently $15.00) to the Membership Chair. OAGC Life MembershipAn OAGC Life Member is someone who makes a contribution of $200 or more to The Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, Inc. New OAGC Life Members are recognized annually at the OAGC convention, receive an OAGC Life Membership card and a lifetime subscription to The Garden Path. OAGC Life Members pay no additional state dues, though individual club, regional and county dues may be applicable. Additionally, an OAGC Life Membership is bestowed upon the state president upon completion of term. The OAGC Life Membership card is presented by the newly elected president at convention. An OAGC Life Membership may also be conferred upon a person by action of the board of directors as recommended by the executive committee as being worthy of such an honor. OAGC Foundation Life Patrons (those making a one-time contribution of $500 or more to The OAGC Foundation, Inc.), also become OAGC Life Members. Membership Incentive AwardThis award was established by OAGC past President Jan Harmon and OAGC past Treasurer Ruth Waller. To receive this award a club must have shown an increase in members who have paid state dues during the past OAGC calendar year (Oct 1 to Sept 30). The OAGC Membership Chair will decide the winner based on the percentage of increase from the previous year. In the event of a tie the award will be divided. A certificate and monetary award will be presented at the next OAGC State Convention. |
Contact The Membership Chair When:
Jan Moody oagcmembership@gmail.comEmail the Membership Department Chair or check your current issue of The Garden Path for the address to send in any registration forms. |