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Exhibitors and Judges Schools are a source of enrichment for exhibitors and flower show judges, consisting of material on both horticulture and artistic design. Anyone interested in growing and showing will benefit from the sessions taught by accredited OAGC judges and people knowledgeable in their field of interest. Demonstrations and hands-on activities add to the learning experience. Those interested in becoming an OAGC accredited flower show judge follow a path as a student judge for the series of six schools and then as an apprentice judge under the guidance of accredited judges at four flower shows consisting of both horticulture and artistic designs. Accredited judges must re-certify every three years and will judge flower shows at clubs, regions, or county fairs and festivals. |
fAQs about exhibitors and judges schoolWho can attend E&J School? Answer: Anyone interested in learning about growing and showing horticulture or making artistic designs can attend E&J School. Hands-on activities and demonstrations are beneficial to both beginners and experienced participants. What is E&J School? Answer: Exhibitors and Judges School is a series of six 2-day sessions held over three years. The educational sessions cover horticulture and artistic designs. It is generally held in central Ohio. How is E&J School scheduled? Answer: Classes on horticulture and artistic designs are conducted throughout each day. Participants will be involved in demonstrations and hand-on activities. Breaks during the classes allow time to visit the vendors selling a variety of plants, garden supplies, and other items. How many times can I attend the same E&J School session? Answer: As many times as you want. The series of six schools covers different topics during the three-year cycle. The topics are repeated, but with updated information. Learning is continuing education! When is E&J School held? Answer: Generally, the schools are held during spring, summer, or early fall. Each year the dates of the schools change as different flowers, plants, fruits, and vegetables are in season. Where is E&J School? Answer: Currently, the schools are held in hotels in central Ohio with sufficient space for the classes. The location allows participants to book their own hotel room and visit restaurants. How much does E&J School cost? Answer: Registration for each 2-day school in 2025 is $120 and includes lunch each day. You can attend one day for $60. A block of hotel rooms is available to OAGC members at a reduced rate. Participants who book their own hotel room are eligible for the OAGC breakfast each morning at no additional charge. There is no fee for parking at the hotel. Do I have to attend E&J School in order to enter any flower shows? Answer: No. But you will learn what it takes to grow and show horticulture exhibits and make artistic designs that meet the judging criteria for flower shows. What if I don't want to show, but only use flower arrangements in my home? Can I still attend E&J school? Answer: Yes! Artistic design topics are taught at each of the six schools. These include traditional designs, creative designs, abstract designs, and oriental designs. The evening Design Study is a hands-on opportunity to create a design under the guidance of an experienced designer. You get to take the design home! For Judges: Do I have to want to become a judge to attend E&J School? Answer: No. Anyone interested in growing and showing will benefit from the sessions taught by accredited OAGC judges and people knowledgeable in their field of interest. I am interested in becoming a flower show judge. What do I need to do? Answer: You must be a member of an accredited OAGC garden club and make an application to become a student judge. A prospective student judge must have documented experience as an exhibitor in at least three flower shows and as a flower show committee member for two different shows. This demonstrates a basic understanding of flower shows and exhibiting. Submit a completed student judge application with proof of the required information to the E&J Chair which then can be approved by the Executive Board before the beginning of E&J School. Do I have to wait until the 1st school, or can I start mid-cycle? Answer: Student judges may begin at any point during the 6-school cycle; but all six schools must be completed, and all tests passed with a minimum 70%. How much does it cost? Answer: There is no additional registration cost for student judges to attend E&J Schools. Registration for each 2-day school in 2025 is about $120. While some clubs may reimburse the fees after a student attends classes, the OAGC Foundation will reimburse the student after becoming an accredited judge. Can I sell or purchase supplies E&J School? Answer: Yes, the Vendors Room is an integral part of each school. Vendors offer a wide variety of plants, gardening supplies, ceramic or metal containers, and design materials. Shopping opportunities are built into the daily schedule. To sell items, you must be registered for the school and pay for a vendor space. |